Marie can arrange visits to your home, workplace or care home within a 10 mile radius of Maidenhead. The initial consultation is usually an hour and involves taking a detailed history to understand the problem, a clinical assessment, discussing and setting realistic goals of what you hope to achieve with physiotherapy, and treatment to start you on your road to functional recovery.
The advantages of a domiciliary service is that Physiotherapy can be provided in the safety and familiar environment of your own home avoiding the stress and anxiety of having to venture outdoors to attend hospital or private appointments where mobility, balance and confidence maybe an issue initially. Marie enjoys building trust and a healthy rapport with her clients working in their home and gets immense satisfaction from seeing people regain their confidence, quality of life and functional independence.
The types of conditions that Marie treats in your home are:
- Post-Surgery Physiotherapy (spinal, Total Hip Replacements (THR), Total Knee Replacements (TKR), ACL reconstruction, fracture repairs, improving fitness levels post surgery)
- Elderly Rehabilitation (chest physio, mobility improvement following a fall/a fractured hip or a period of infection in hospital)
- Acute Back Pain and Sciatica
- Pregnancy Related Pain (severe back or girdle pain affecting mobility)
Treatment would be focused on:
- pain relief with soft tissue release, ultrasound and acupuncture if appropriate
- range of movement (ROM) exercises
- strengthening and stretching exercises
- balance and proprioception training for mobility issues
- gait re-education, improving your confidence following a fall and restoring functional independence
- Stair practice, with or without mobility aids, if needed
If you would like to book a home visit, please contact Marie:
T: 07920112209
E: [email protected]